As February unfolds, the lively hues of festivity cascade through Palma's streets, metamorphosing the city into a vibrant spectacle in homage to Carnival – one of the most jubilant celebrations of the year. This spirited event unfailingly occurs 40 days before Maundy Thursday, and this year, it commences on Thursday, February 8, coinciding with the 'Dijous Llarder' festivity on the island. Rooted in Roman times, this traditional celebration promises an authentic culinary journey with local delights such as ensaimada de tallades, cocas dulces, and greixoneras.
The focal point of the carnival is Sa Rua, a splendid parade featuring floats and comparsas winding through the charming streets of the city center, set to take place on Sunday the 11th. Yet, preceding the immersion into the vibrant energy of Sa Rua, the youngest members of the family revel in their own realm at Sa Rueta – a moment specially dedicated to them before the main celebration kicks off
Palma recently hosted the 17th Congress of the National Association of Nursing Coordinators in Material Resources (ANECORM) from October 2nd to 4th.
The International Motorcycling Federation (FIM) has announced that its annual 2024 awards ceremony will take place in Palma de Mallorca on Saturday, December 7th. This event will not only honor all the 2024 FIM World Champions but also commemorate the FIM's 120th anniversary.
In September, the Palma Convention Center became the epicenter of aesthetic dentistry and dental implantology by hosting more than 3,000 experts from around the globe at two leading international conferences.